Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dear Society

Dear Society,
          You are incredibly judgmental towards the humans that have to live with you. From the very start of a human’s life you are controlling. Babies must be perfectly healthy to be considered a good baby, illness from birth is only an inconvenience to you. Growing up girls must like Barbie, flowers,
nail polish, dress up and pink everything, while boys must like trucks, football, getting dirty and working on cars. If any girl or boy likes the other side of things they are considered “confused” or “likely to be gay” and it is absolutely ridiculous and appalling. Going forward into the teenage years, girls are bombarded with rules and safety precautions. In school they must be completely covered with minimal skin exposed in an attempt to not distract the boys. You sexualize almost every part of the female body. Crop tops showing stomachs are disgraceful, while comfortable leggings make boys stare so obviously they are banned as well. Inequality  is at its finest with the term“Boys will be boys” right? It is okay for a guy to cat call girls because its “funny” but if a woman does it, it is trashy. If a guy sleeps with countless girls he is referred to as a player, or one of the popular guys. If a girl sleeps with countless guys she is dirty, slutty, and a whore. A teenage girl is expected to drink responsibly and always carry pepper spray at a party to keep from being sexually assaulted. If she does drink too much and becomes unconscious, that is her fault, she is basically asking to be raped, right? No, society, you are disgraceful, and demeaning, it will never be the victims fault. Judge rules in favor of rapist too often. When a guy is sexually assaulted he must keep quiet because why wouldn’t he want to have sex at any given time? He is obviously a pussy if he says no. Wrong, guys and girls can say no whenever they want. Moving on to adulthood, females must cover up if you are breast feeding because apparently according to you, that is incredibly sexual and completely wrong. Although Victoria Secret ads showing girls in only a bra and underwear are okay. Breasts were meant for feeding, not sexual items for a male’s enjoyment. The sexism doesn’t stop there, women are paid a lot less than men and defiantly not given any more opportunities than men. Rich white men run our country and try to give rules for what a woman can and cannot do with her body. It is sickening that people actually think it is okay to create laws depicting what someone does with their own body. At old age, men turn in to couch potatoes and women turn into cooks.
            Another point includes the fact that you blame black teenagers and adults for the “violence” in our country and in “their’ neighborhoods. Do you not realize that more black people are born into poverty because of the history of our country? Poverty causes violence not skin color. It is sick that a “successful” black person becomes a basketball or football player, but successful white person becomes a doctor or lawyer.


Abagail Geving

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