Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week Two Sociology

Week 2:

Sociology originated in the 18th to 19th century in Europe because of the industrial economy, growth of cities and new political ideas began to weaken our economy. Example: Charles dickens. The United States defiantly has problems but when using the global perspective those problems seem incredibly small when compared to other countries stricken by disease and poverty. The United States facing issues such as gun control and police brutality which other countries face as well but if compared they are in need of a lot more help than we are. Natural disasters strike our southern states most often with hurricanes, and our coasts with earthquakes but looks at quakes that have hit japan and hurricanes that hit other island countries there is no comparison as well. Children are forced to be married at ages as young as four. Police brutality is a huge problem although in other countries police ISISTo the United States, this problem is insignificant for some reason. Positivism is an approach to understanding the world based on science. Global perspective can also be used in the other direction for example when compared to other countries such as china or Europe, our debt and financial situation is a lot worse. Our drug trade and sex trafficking is terrible when compared to that of Canada. Although again we could be a lot worse. Manifest functions are the intended consequences positive or negative of a social pattern, while latent functions are the unintended consequences. For example, when getting married an intended consequence would be having children while an unintended consequence would be winning the lottery or a loved one being diagnosed with dwarfism.

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