Chapter 5-6 Quiz

SOC  takehome  Chaps 5 and 6: Socialization& Social Interaction  Total Points: ___ points 2 pages   Name:___________

Multiple-Choice Questions 

Chap 5

1._A__What is the lifelong social experience by which individuals develop human potential and learn culture?
a. socialization             b. personality        c. human nature        d. behaviorism

2._D__What is the term for a person’s fairly consistent pattern of acting, thinking, and feeling?
a. socialization             b. behavior                  c. human nature          d. personality

3.D___Your theory is that human behavior results from nature, not nurture. Your theoretical position is most likely opposite of:   a. sociobiologists.            b. naturalists.          c. social Darwinists.       d. behaviorists.
4._A__Which perspective developed by the psychologist John B. Watson claims human behavior is not instinctive, but learned within social environment?   a. behaviorism      b. psychology     c. sociology     d. naturalism                                                             
5.B___In the nature-versus-nurture debate, most social scientists believe that:
    1. Nature is far more important than nurture.   b. Nurture is far more important than nature.
c.   Nature is a little more important than nurture. d. Nurture is equally important as nature.

6._A__Our basic drive as humans is reflected in Freud’s:  a. Id.    b. Ego    c. Superego.    d. Thanatos.
7.B__In Freud’s model of personality, which component balances innate pleasure-seeking drives with the demands
         of society?  a. Id       b. Ego              c. Superego       d. Thanatos
8._C__In Freud’s model of personality, which component represents the presence of culture within the individual?
a. Id     b. Ego    c. Superego    d. Thanatos
9._C__Jean Piaget focused on: a. How children develop fine motor skills.
       b. How children are stimulated by their environment. c. Cognition: how people think and understand.
d. The role of heredity in determining human behavior.

10._A__What is the stage of human development in Piaget’s model wherein people experience the world only through
       their senses?  a. sensorimotor b. preoperational          c. concrete operational    d. formal operation
11._B__Jean Piaget called the level of development at which individuals first use language and other symbols,
     the _____ stage. a. sensorimotor           b. preoperational          c. concrete operational     d. informed operation

12._B__You have been called upon to discuss the socialization process. To which sociologist would you turn to prepare
       your discussion?  a. Jean Piaget          b. George Herbert Mead   c. Emile Durkheim   d. John B. Watson
13._A__The “self” is: a. that part of an individual’s personality composed of  self-awareness and self-image
b. the personality manifestation of the id      c. the personality product of preoperational development
                   d. the highest stage of personality development

14._C__As a proponent of Mead’s approach, you would argue that the “self” stems from:
           a. biological drives. b. innate composition  c. social experience.   d. personal demographics.
15._C__Mead’s concept of taking the role of the other refers to: a. imagining the situation from your own point of view.
b. taking another’s role, such as a little girl “playing Mommy.”
c. imagining the situation from another person’s point of view.
d. attempting to take on a number of roles and then choosing the appropriate one.

16._B__When Cooley used the term, “the looking glass-self,” he was referring to the fact that:
    1. People are narcissistic                b. People see themselves as they believe others see them.
                   c.  We see our parents in ourselves  d. Our children are a reflection of ourselves.

17.C___Children model themselves after key people in their lives, such as parents. Mead referred to these people as:
     a. role models.        b. significant models.   c. significant others.  d. generalized others.
18.D___Mead used the term _____ to describe the widespread cultural norms and values which we use as a reference in
          evaluating ourselves. a. looking-glass self   b. socialization c. significant other      d. generalized other

19._A__If you wished to initiate the most effective re-socialization of a whole country, upon which socialization agent
          should you focus attention? a. the family    b. the schools   c. peer groups  d. the mass media

20.__C_Studies of child-rearing show that lower-class parents stress _____; while well-to-do parents stress _____.
    1. creativity; financial prudence   b. educational attainment; obedience  c. obedience; creativity
d.   creativity; behavioral conformity

21._D__You are interested in learning all about universities, because you want to become a professor someday. In what
         process are you engaging? a. directed learning         b. socialization c. status learning  d. anticipatory socialization
22._C__What is the major characteristic of adulthood?  a. Personal productivity declines.
b. Personalities undergo the most significant changes in middle age.  c. Adulthood is the time of accomplishment.
             d. Mid-life crisis typically is at age 35.

23._A__At about what age does “old age” begin? a. mid-sixties  b. early seventies   c. late fifties  d. middle fifties
24._A__What is the term for a category of people with a common characteristic, usually their age?
a. cohort  b. generation            c. age group     d. age subculture

25._B__  _____ is a process of radically changing the personality through carefully controlling the environment.
a. Anticipatory socialization    b. Re-socialization     c. Primary socialization     d. Degradation

Chap 6

Multiple choice:

1.D___Which of the following terms is not an ascribed status
 A.   a  daughter         B  an African American     C.  a female     D. a honors student

2. C___Tension among several roles connected to a single status is called  
 A.  role set  B.  role conflict  C. role strain  D.  role exit

3. _D__Situations that are defined as real become real in their consequences is called
 A.  self fulfilling prophecy   B.  ethnomethodology   C. social construction of reality   D. Thomas Theorem

4.D__ At any given time, you occupy a number of statuses. These are your:
A. social positions.  B. occupational sets.  C. individual social structure.  D. status set.

5.D__ What is the term for the process by which people disengage from important social roles?
A.      role rejection     B. role reversal    C. role loss       D. role exit

6.B__ What is the process by which people creatively shape reality through social interaction?
A. reality construction   B. social construction of reality   C. interactive reality   D. creative reality

7._B_ What is the term for communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions rather than
speech? A. verbal communication    B. nonverbal communication   C. informal communication  D. gesture communication

8._C_ Presentation of self is also called    A. Thomas Theorem      B. image management/presentation management  
C. Dramaturgical analysis  D. social construction of reality

9._C__ A status is a status that has special importance for social identity often shaping a person’s life is called
A. achieved status  B. ascribed status  C. master status  D. status set

10.D Jessie Ventura’s master status is most likely to be A. a father   B. a son   C. a radio host  D. a wrestler
Fill-in-the Blank: ____ points
1. Ascribed status is a social position received by birth, such as  __female______ or assumed  _involuntarily__  in later life,
    such as___widow_________

2. Achieved status is a social position assumes _voluntarily such as __nurse__, and that reflects personal ___ability and effort.

3. Give an example of role conflict:  __not taking promotion because of needing to have family time

4. Give an example of role strain: __mom wanting to  both a friend and parent to children 

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