Chapter 1-2 Quiz

SOC quiz                                                           Chaps 1 and 2                                      Total Points:_____ Name:_______


1.B__Sociology is the systematic study of:
a/ the mind and self. b/human society. c/cultures other than our own. d/ human history.

2._D_Who coined the term “Sociology” in 1838? a/ George Mead      b/W. Du Bois   c/ Robert Merton    d/ Auguste Comte  

3.B__Issues such as gender equality, equal pay, racial profiling will likely interest a _______  
a/ structural-function theorist      b/ social conflict theorist c/ symbolic-interaction theorist  d/ sociobiologist

4.B___What theoretical paradigm views society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals?
a/Social-exchange paradigm b/Symbolic-interaction paradigm c/Structural-functional paradigm   d/Social-conflict paradigm


5.D___Which of the following is not a benefit of the sociological perspective?

a/help us live in a diverse world   b/help us assess the truth of common sense 

c/help us assess both opportunities and constraints in our lives. d/all the above are benefits of the sociological perspective


6._B__The structural-functional and social-conflict paradigms share a concern with broad patterns that shape society as a

whole. This reflects which orientation?   a/ interactional   b/macro-level   c/exchange        d/micro-level


7._A_Which of the following is not one of the three-stage historical developments of Comte?

a/pre-societal stage   b/metaphysical stage   c/scientific stage      d/theological stage


8.A__All of the following are reasons that the sociological perspective should include global thinking except:

a/countries and cultures are very similar the world over.  b/global comparisons help us learn more about ourselves.  

c/technology has resulted in societies being more interconnected than ever before. 

d/many of the problems that we experience in the U.S. are more serious elsewhere.


9.D__ Social exchange analysis is based on   a/social structures and function   b/social inequality

c/social ecology    d/rational calculation of gain and loss


10.D__ Identify which of the following is NOT a social structure a/ family    b/church   c/government   d/none of above


11.C___Robert Merton developed the following structural-functional concepts except:

a/manifest function   b/latent function     c/malfunction    d/dysfunction


12.D__The objectives of studying sociology is/are:

a/ Help us access the truth of commonly held assumptions

b/ Prompts us to access both the opportunities and the constrains that characterize our lives

c/ Empowers us to participate actively in our society and helps us recognize human variety

    as well as confront the challenges of living in a diverse world 

d/ all of above


13._D_ The origins of sociology are the following except

 a/ Industrial technology b/The growth of cities c/ political change   d/ the environmental change


14.D__ The unrecognized and unintended consequences of a social pattern is called

a/manifest function    b/latent function    c/dysfunction   d/malfunction


15.B__Which sub-paradigm looks society as a stage, and we play the roles and statuses on and behind the stages

a/social-conflict      b/symbolic-interaction     c/social exchange   d/dramaturgical


16. D Which of the following paradigm suggests the tendency of social change

 a/Structural-functional    b/social conflict    c/symbolic interaction     d/sociobiology


17.B__Karl Marx was one of the founders of ___ paradigm: a/Structural-functional    b/social conflict

c/symbolic interaction d/sociobiology


18.B__What are the sociological perspectives? 

a/Seeing the general in the particular;   

b/Seeing the strange in the familiar,

c/seeing individuality in social context-an insight to see individual in Social Context/wider society (Sociological

   Imagination)—by C. Wright Mills  

d/all of above


19D__Emile Durkheim supported ____paradigm  

a/Structural-functional    b/social conflict    c/symbolic interaction    d/sociobiology

20._A__An apparent, although false, association between two variables that is caused by a third variable is called
a(n) _________ correlation.  a.           spurious     b.   unproven    c.  unreliable     d. invalid

21._C__Which of the following is true about cause-and-effect relationships in the social world?
a. Most patterns of behavior have a single cause.
b. Most patterns of behavior are random and have no cause at all.
c. Most patterns of behavior are caused by many factors.
d. Sociologists are not able to reach conclusions about cause and effect.

22.A___The sociologist who called on his colleagues to be “value-free” in the conduct of their research was
a. Karl Marx. b. Emile Durkheim. c. Herbert Spencer. d. Max Weber.

23._B__Which of the following is true about positivist sociology?
a. It focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior.
b. It seeks to bring about desirable social change.
c. It favors qualitative data.
d. It favors quantitative data.

24._B__Critical sociology can BEST be described as a(n) ________ approach.
a.         activist   b. scientific   c. qualitative   d. value-free

25._C__Qualitative research has special appeal to investigators who favor the _________ approach.
a. structural-functional   b. symbolic-interaction   c. social-conflict   d. social-exchange

26._B__Interpretive sociology is sociology that
 a. focuses on action.
 b. sees an objective reality “out there.”
 c. focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior. 
 d. seeks to bring about change.

27.__C_If you have been criticized for “androcentricity” in your research, you are being criticized for
 a. overgeneralizing your results. b. ignoring gender entirely. c. doing the research from a male perspective.
 d. using double standards in your research.

28._C__ “A statement of a possible relationship between two or more variables” is the definition of which concept?
 a. theory     b. correlation     c. spurious correlation    d. hypothesis

29.__A_What research method was used in Philip Zimbardo’s study, the “Stanford County Prison”?
  a. an experiment   b. a survey   c. participant observation   d. secondary analysis

30._D__Which research method asks subjects to respond to a series of items on a questionnaire or in an interview?
  a. existing resources research  b. participant observation   c. an experiment   d. a survey

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