Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week Seven

Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms. An example of deviance would be crime, which is the violation of a society’s formally enacted criminal law. Deviance affirms cultural values, clarifies moral boundaries, promotes social unity, encourages social change, and open lines of communication. The labeling of deviance is different depending on where you are in the world. For
example, in the United States, drinking is illegal until you are 21 while in a lot of other countries it is much lower, or perhaps a set age is nonexistent. In Colorado, marijuana usage is completely legal, although in other states such as Wisconsin, using or carrying marijuana would result in being labeled as deviant and having to serve prison time or a large fine.
Our actions whether legal or not, can be labeled deviant depending on the reaction we evoke from other citizens. For example, a child taking a candy bar from a store without the parents noticing is technically theft, and the action is labeled deviant but others who view the situation only see an innocent child that doesn’t know better. Social class, or where you fit in society has a huge effect on what actions may label you deviant. For example, a white collar crime, crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their occupations, have a much greater chance of being ruled not guilty, while a person struggling with poverty that robs a gas station will without debt be convicted and sent to prison.

The Merton Strain theory groups people based on their level of acceptance, or conformity to our cultural goals and institutionalized means. Those who want to be successful culturally, such as having a nice house, money and more than enough for their kids but do not have the accepted ways to do it, or was not given the opportunity to be successful may turn to unconventional means such as crime. These folks are grouped under innovation. The people that cannot reach cultural goals but still want to be respected in society by adhering to institutionalized means fall under the ritualism category. Those who reject both cultural goals and institutionalized means are the retreatism and usually are drug addicts or those who want nothing to do with our society. Rebellion comes when people want an alternative to our society, want something better. 

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