Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week Three

Any issue we have in our society can be broken down into many different viewpoints. Categories of viewpoints include economic, political, family/educational, religious and environmental perspectives. For example, sports broken down into an economic perspective is a closer look at what social class and money has to do with who plays and who watches what sport. Rich players receive the most amount of praise, while there are people living on the streets that are more talented, just weren’t given the opportunity. Hockey is on the high end of expensive hobbies, and you usually see white children and white grownups playing the sport, this is because racism in our society has caused the majority of people living in poverty to be black. Then going to basketball, something kids can play in the street, the majority of players are black. There are more than these perspectives when
talking about sports, things can happen unexpectedly (latent consequences) such as injury, or unexpectedly (manifest consequences) such as financial gain and fame.

            The sugar cane picture showed how jobs function together, including the boss and the gatherer, the labor workers and the children shown helping out, to make the society work. Power, the boss affects society negatively in this picture, he is either shown watching over the workers intensely ready to punish anyone who does anything wrong or being lazy and taking a nap. The interaction in the picture shows how the children interacting with their mothers and other workers creates how people view this type of slave labor. In our world today, the labor vs. power interaction is not as extreme although there are many issues with it. 

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