Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week Four

Culture in our world today is in no way the same country to country even state to state, but someone people seem to forget about anywhere else in our world besides where they are at and they’re own beliefs. People around the world do have many similarities although they have many more differences. There are even cultural differences in our own country, including religion, family traditions, clothing differences, and many more. A lot depends on where you are located in the world, and how you were raised. But no matter what people decide to practice, it has no weight to what kind of person they are inside. How we interact within a work environment and in relation to power dictates a lot of how a society is viewed and how it functions. Some societies have a equalized system while others have one person in command over all the rest. Social function is also important; it is a system of interrelated parts that is
relatively stable because each part has a particular function in society as a whole. Social dysfunction is the undesirable consequences of any social pattern of the operation of society. Manifest functions are the intended consequences of a social pattern while the latent functions are the unintended consequences of a social pattern. For example, a manifest function would entail serious dating turning into marriage or studying hard for a test turning into a great score in the class. Latent functions would be getting cancer later in life or an unexpected promotion at work or going back to school for a different degree. 

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