10 Step Research

SOC  Transfer Track                   Key Questions in a Research Project                                  CVTC

: Identify and describe sociological research methods and related ethical issues.
Objectives: Summarize the four major methods by which sociologists conduct research and discuss the strengths
                      and weaknesses of each method

             Implementation: 10 steps in the process of carrying out sociological investigation.
Complete the following steps with at least 100 words to each question with word count, unless inapplicable.
Adjust the space you need.  Print off a copy and bring in next week.
5 points per question.
1/ What is your topic? (Try to narrow down your research topic into meaning and manageable range).
            My topic is racism. I would like to prove to people that even though racism may not be visible to the naked eye, our country has a deep rooted racist, dehumanizing, and torturous past that still lingers in the shadows. I would like to prove that the stereotypical comments and jokes regarding someone having a certain skin color are not only false but repulsive. I will also include that racism doesn’t just exist between black and white, but with all races. Muslim discrimination in America is at its worst. Racist views towards these people is uncalled for. There is no evidence provoking this mindset, only fear. Racism is a huge problem in our country and if people don’t wake up and realize how much of a problem it really is, our country is in for a rude awakening.
Word Count: 138

2/ What have others already learned? (Conduct literature reviews regarding what other people have done relevant
    to your topic). 
    List at least 5 valid articles from 3 sources: books, journals and digital materials via APA (American
    Psychological Association) or MLA (Modern Language Association)
    style of bibliography. For APA style (preferred), refer to
I already know that racism is alive and well in America, with some areas of the country being worse than others. Historically racism in America started with the Native Americans. The Caucasian people came here with the intention of claiming everything as their own. They did not expect or want to encounter anyone else. When they did come in contact with other people, instead of being open-minded to learning the land from a foreign face, they acted out of selfishness and fear. Native Americans were enslaved, murdered, or put on to tiny reservations. Slave trading came next. Whites took people from their homes in Africa to bring them to the United States to be brutalized into working for their white immigrant owners that took over the states. After slave trading was abolished, segregation became all too popular. Groups such as the KKK emerged, out to lynch and terrorize any family of color. Kids had to go to different schools, one for whites and one for blacks. Everything from neighborhoods, to diners, movie theaters, and water fountains were segregated. Thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. segregation is against the law nowadays, but that still hasn’t ended hate, or racism. Nowadays racism is believing black people are poor, violent criminals, and white people are rich and powerful.
Word count: 215

3/ What, exactly, are your questions?  Here is your finalized topic.
What ethnicity are you?

How many people believe that racism is still a problem?
What racial group faces the most heat in the united states?
What is racism based off of?
How do you feel about the black lives matter movement?

4/ What will you need to carry out research?  Refer to Chapter 2.
To carry out my research I will need a number of people to participate in a survey. From answering the four questions above on a sheet of paper I will compile the evidence into graphs to show what an assortment of people believe. I would prefer if my research, or my survey was taken in areas across the country so the all kinds of people can contribute to my data. Wisconsin’s population is mostly white, which could create a bias in my research. I will then compare my research to other findings related to racism in this country. By doing so I can compare the thoughts of people now with past surveys like mine and also compare actual scientific findings with how people think life in the United States is like.
Word count: 133

5/ Are there ethical concerns? Regarding using human or animal subjects in your research with inform consent,
    confidentiality and no-harm/benefits to the research subjects. Refer to chapter 2.
I will not require any names to be put on my survey, everything will be completely confidential. Different ages will be interviewed so there is not only a millennial stand point or a gen X standpoint but the country as a whole. There will be no benefit to participate in the survey or answer any questions a certain way. I have a hypothesis but my data will be pure. I will report exactly what I have found. There will also be no punishment for not completing the survey or for answer any of the questions truthfully. Complete confidentiality will ensure that people are not afraid to answer the questions to the best of their ability.
Word count: 115

6/ What method(s) will you use? 
    Decide what the appropriate and feasible research method(s) are to carry out your research.
For my project, I found it best to use a survey, to see how people really feel, at an inexpensive cost. An experiment is out of the question for this kind of research because I would not want to put anyone in a situation in which they could get hurt or feel as though someone is only mad at them for their race. If I was to do an experiment I would have to think up the cause and effect, and it could be timely to complete the experiment with enough trials in different settings with different people. A case study is very time consuming, I can look online and read past case studies to get an idea as to what my findings will be.
Word Count: 125

7/ How will you record the data?  The rest of 3 questions, please review chap 2 in details.
I will record my data in a graph or chart. I will also write up how may survey contributes to society and what people can do with the information. By making my findings more of a learning opportunity instead of lecture of how racist our country could be it will hopefully make people listen to what I am saying instead of only hearing what I am saying to make an argument in their behalf. Much of my survey findings will act as proof to my hypothesis.
Word count: 103

8/ What do the data tell you? 
            The data tells me what the thoughts are of different racial groups in the United States. It shows how certain races can think that they are the most targeted group. It shows that everyone in our country feels targeted, making our country less of a safe environment. I am to think from the findings that if everyone was born as a different color that they are currently that their answer would change from thinking their race is targeted to maybe seeing the suffering of others. People of our country need to take a walk in another person’s shoes to really understand what it is like. Our country has praised the white color for so long, that any other race speaking out against oppression provokes fear and can bring out racism.
Word Count: 130

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