Chapter 9 Quiz

          Soc quiz                                             Chapter 9: Deviance                     Name:__________________

Multiple-Choice Questions
  1. C  Select the sociological term for the recognized violation of cultural norms.
    1. Crime   b. Law  violation    c. deviance    d. Juvenile delinquency

  1. D  What is the term for the formal system that responds to alleged violations of the law using police, courts, and prison officials?  a. the normative system  b. law     c. socialization  d. the criminal justice system
  1. A  As an advocate of the “Social Foundations of Deviance” approach, with which of the following would you agree?
    1. Definitions of deviance differ across time and space.
    2. Definitions of deviance do not change much except over centuries.
    3. Definitions of deviance are approximately the same across all major societies.
    4. Law is a result of societal consensus, not social power.

  1. B  Durkheim proposed several functions of deviance. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
    1. Deviance affirms cultural values and norms.
    2. Deviance provides employment for a large segment of the work force.
    3. Responding to deviance clarifies moral boundaries.
    4. Deviance encourages social change.

  1. A  You have made an attempt to achieve culturally approved goals using unconventional means. Merton would call you   a. a/an:innovator.   b. retreatist.    c. ritualist.            d. rebel.
  1. C   Use Merton’s paradigm to classify the compulsively conforming bank teller.
a. innovation      b. retreatism     c. ritualism        d. rebellion
  1. B   Use Merton’s paradigm to classify the deviance type illustrated by a drug addict.
a. innovation                  b. retreatism     c. ritualism                     d. rebellion       
  1. D   The general argument of Cloward and Ohlin, Cohen, and Miller is that deviance reflects
a. Anomie.     b. Stigma.    c. Labeling.    d. The opportunity structure of society.

  1. A   Which theory asserts that deviance and conformity result not only from what people do, but from how others respond to those actions? a. labeling         b. structural-functionalism   c. differential association        d. conflict                     
  1. A   You have engages in a minor law violation that provokes only a slight reaction or no reaction from others. According to Lemert, your actions illustrate:
a. primary deviance.       b. the beginning of a deviant career.  c. secondary deviance. d. a deviant identity.                 
  1. C  You and your friends describe another friend as a “boozer,” and leave him out of your social circle. He begins to drink even more, seems bitter, and joins new friends who are also heavy drinkers. According to Lemert, this is an illustration of:
    a. primary deviance.  b. the prelude to criminal behavior. c. secondary deviance.  d. a deviant identity.
  1. B   What is Erving Goffman’s term for a powerfully negative label that greatly changes a person’s social identity and self-concept?  a. negative label   b. stigma    c. label    d. degradation ceremony

  1. A   What is the term for the interpretations of someone’s past, consistent with his or her present deviance?
a. retrospective labeling  b. projective labeling    c. anticipatory labeling      d. hindsight labeling
  1. B   What is the term for using a deviant label to predict future action?
a. retrospective labeling  b. projective labeling   c. anticipatory labeling  d. hindsight labeling
  1. C   What is the “medicalization of deviance?”
    1. The recognition of the true source of deviance. b. The objective, clinical approach to deviant behavior.
c. The transformation of moral and legal deviance into medical conditions.
d. The discovery of links between biochemical properties and deviance.                  

  1. A   A proponent of Sutherland’s differential association theory would do which of the following to reduce crime?
    1. Increase the relative frequency of association with those who discourage norm violation.
    2. Remove the authorities’ ability to label individuals as deviant.
    3. Overhaul peoples’ deviant identities.
    4. Change the disjunctures between society’s goals and the means to attain them.     

  1. A   Adopt Hirschi’s approach to deviance and control. With which statement would you agree?
    1. All of us are tempted to be deviant. b Deviance results from differential access to wealth.
c.   Deviance is a frustration of ambition. d. Individualism inhibits the deviance.
  1. B   According to the social-conflict paradigm, who or what is labeled deviant is based primarily upon:
a. the severity of the deviant act. b. relative power.  c. the period in time.    d. labeling.
  1. B   Which of the following is NOT a way in which social conflict theory links deviance to power?
    1. The powerful have resources to resist a deviant label.
    2. The powerful can easily avoid deviant labels, unless a violent crime is involved.
    3. The norms and laws generally bolster the interests of the rich and powerful.
    4. The belief that norms and laws are good masks their political character.  
  1. C   What is the term for crimes by persons of high social position in the course of their occupations?
a. blue-collar crimes       b. occupational crimes   c. white-collar crime .  d. racketeering 
  1. D   Regarding white-collar crime, which of the following is FALSE?
    1. When white collar criminals are charged and convicted, the odds are almost 50-50 that they will not go to jail.
    2. Most white-collar offenses provoke little reaction from others.
    3. When there is a reaction, most white-collar cases are heard in civil court.
    4. When white-collar criminals are charged and convicted, they usually go to jail.

  1. C_____ refers to the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf.
a. Organized crime         b. Embezzlement    c. Corporate crime     d. Business fraud
  1. A   You stand accused of a “hate crime.” This means you are suspected of:
    1. Carrying out a crime motivated by your bias.  b Perpetrating a crime of emotion
    2. Committing a crime to vent your anger.               d. Committing a crime against another racial group.

  1. C   Burglary is an example of what type of crime?
a. crime against the person          b. victimless crime    c. crime against property      d. misdemeanor
  1. B  Which of the following statements is TRUE? a.The crime rate has been on a steady rise since 1960.
    1. Crime statistics are an accurate reflection of the amount of crime committed.
    2. Crime occurs at a rate three times higher than what the official reports show.
    3. The statistics show that there is much more violent crime than property crime.

  1. C  Which of the following is FALSE regarding the disproportionate representation of African Americans in crime statistics?
    1. White police are quicker to arrest blacks.
    2. Blacks are disproportionately poor, so are more likely to engage in street crime.
    3. Research has shown that blacks have a greater tendency to be criminal.
    4. The crime statistics do not include white-collar crimes, more likely to be committed by whites.

  1. A  What is the precise term for legal negotiation in which the prosecution reduces a defendant’s charge in exchange for a guilty plea? a. plea bargaining          b. court negotiation  c. charge bargaining  d. prosecutorial discretion
  1. D    Approximately, about what percentage of criminal cases are resolved through plea bargaining?   a.10-18%   b. 65-77%     c.30-43%      d. 91-97%
  1. D   Which term refers to reforming the offender to prevent subsequent offenses?
a. retribution      b. social protection    c. deterrence           d. rehabilitation
  1. B   What is the term for subsequent offenses by people previously convicted of crimes?

a. criminal repetition rate            b. criminal recidivism    c. criminal return rate  d. criminal response

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